Essential Winter Lawn Care Tips for Edmonton Residents

Embrace Winter: Keep Your Edmonton Lawn Radiant All Year

Edmonton’s cold and snowy winters pose a unique set of challenges for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. While the blanket of snow might make it seem like lawn care is unnecessary during these months, proper winter lawn care is crucial to ensure that your lawn stays resilient and comes back strong when spring arrives. Let us delve into essential winter lawn care tips compiled specifically for Edmonton residents.

1. Late Fall Cleanup: Prepare for the Cold

As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, taking care of a few key tasks can set the stage for a successful winter lawn care regimen:

Mowing and Trimming (Late October – Early November):

Give your lawn a final trim before it heads into winter dormancy. Shorter grass is stiff and more resistant to ice and snow damage. Mowing the grass to a shorter height prevents it from matting down under the snow, reducing the risk of snow mould. It promotes top grass health come spring and helps to keep it greener throughout the winter.

Leaf Removal (Late October – November):

Leaves and thatch left on the lawn can block the light and trap moisture, which may lead to snow mould and other fungal infestations. Clear fallen leaves from your lawn to prevent them from smothering the grass and fostering disease.

Aeration and Overseeding (Late October – Early November):

The ideal time to aerate your lawns in Edmonton is the fall. Do consider aerating and overseeding your lawn. Aeration is excellent for reducing compaction, allowing water and fertilizer to sink in deeper, and supporting healthy root growth. Overseeding helps to protect against lawn weeds. Overseeding generously with the right grass seed helps to build up that lush look of greenery.

Fertilization (Late October):

Schedule a fall lawn fertilizer application one to two weeks after your last mowing and aeration and just before the ground starts to freeze. Once the weather turns cold, the fertilizer will remain in the soil and feed your lawn’s roots all winter long. Fertilization during the winter replaces the nutrients your soil loses in the dry summer heat.

2. Early Winter: Protecting Against Winter Diseases & Other Measures

During winter, your lawn enters a period of dormancy, but that does not mean you can neglect it entirely. Precipitation, freezing temperatures and other elements can affect your lawn’s health during this dormant season.

Snow Mold Fungicide Application (November):

Snow mould is very often a cause for concern in snowbound regions like Edmonton. Application of a snow mould fungicide to your lawn before the first significant snowfall helps to counter the growth of snow mould and other diseases under the snow cover.

Minimize Foot Traffic:

Restrict foot traffic on your lawn to the minimum during the winter. Avoid walking on frozen grass as much as possible. The soil is most vulnerable to compaction during the winter months and it may take months to recover from the damage.

Gentle Snow Removal:

Clear snow from high traffic areas. Take care, however, not to pile it onto the lawn. Piled snow can choke the grass and waterlogging can set in as it begins to melt and create conditions favourable for disease development.

3. Late Winter: Preparing for the Thaw

As winter gradually releases its grip, certain actions can help your lawn transition smoothly into the upcoming growing season:

Inspect for Rodent Damage (March):

Once the snow starts thawing, look out for signs of rodent activity on your lawn. These creatures can cause damage to grass and plants during winter foraging.

Monitor Moisture Levels (February – March):

If there is a thaw, check out the soil moisture levels. Excessive moisture as a result of snow melting can lead to disease issues. Check out low spots and ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogged soil. Fill holes and puddles with compost or topsoil or provide drainage so excess water does not stand on the lawn.

4. Early Spring Care: Nurturing Growth

Giving your lawn a great start in spring will save you a lot of headaches later in the season! Spring brings with it the promise of new growth. Tending to your lawn during this transition period can yield remarkable results:

First Mowing (Late March – Early April):

Start mowing gently when the ground is dry enough and the grass begins to grow. Cut at the proper height depending on the type of grass. This will remove dead growth and encourage sunlight penetration.

Raking (Late March – Early April):

Gently rake the lawn to remove debris, lingering fall leaves, matted grass clumps and dead grass blades that did not survive winter. Raking also helps to remove thatch. Do not rake too aggressively, as the grass is still delicate. Rake when soil is not soft and muddy, or you may end up pulling healthy grass crowns.

Core Aeration (Early April):

Follow up with another round of aeration to enhance soil structure and root health. Apart from improving drainage, aerating the lawn in the early spring allows the grass to get the nutrients and water it needs to grow. It prevents the grass from getting too compacted during the spring and summer.

Fertilization (Early April):

Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer roughly three weeks after the grass starts greening to provide essential nutrients for the upcoming growing season. This aids in recovery from winter stress and promotes lush green growth.

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn throughout the winter months in Edmonton requires proactive care and attention to detail. By following these essential winter lawn care tips, Edmonton residents can ensure that they have a thriving lawn bursting with colour and healthy growth as the snow melts and spring arrives. Remember, a little investment in winter care can yield impressive dividends in the form of a vibrant and resilient lawn all year round.

Winter Lawn Care Schedule

Mastering Winter Lawn Care: A Comprehensive Guide for Edmonton Homeowners

Winter Lawn Care Schedule

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn in Edmonton’s harsh winter climate requires careful planning and timely action. As the temperatures drop and snow blankets the ground, it is easy to assume that lawn care takes a back seat until spring. However, proper winter lawn care is essential to prepare it for survival during the winter and get it back in shape vigorously once the warmer months arrive.

We have put together a comprehensive guide to creating a winter lawn care schedule tailored to Edmonton’s unique climate in order to help you overcome the challenges of winter lawn care.

1. Late Fall: Preparing for the Freeze

Before the first snowfall, there are crucial steps to take to prepare your lawn for the coming winter:

Aeration and Overseeding (Late September – Early October):

This is the right period to start lawn aeration and overseeding. September with its cooler temperatures and increased moisture has the right conditions for rejuvenation of cool-season grasses like rye and blue grasses. In the fall months, shoots start to grow again and nutrients are stored in the long roots for the winter. Aerating the soil improves water and nutrient penetration, while overseeding helps fill in thin areas. This process promotes healthy grass growth when spring sets in. Seed-to-soil contact can be improved by core aerating before spreading seed.

Fertilization (Late October):

Fertilization helps to improve poor quality grass or maintain good quality grass more than any other single management practice. Two applications of fertiliser are ideal in the fall. The first application should be made in early fall. Apply a slow-release, winter-specific fertilizer e.g., nitrogen and potash, to provide essential nutrients for your grass. This strengthens the roots and ensures a strong start once temperatures rise.

Dethatching (Early October)

Thatch carries disease-causing organisms such as snow mould. Lawns with an abundance of thatch are more prone to winter injury. This is the ideal period for thatch control. It is carried out in two major ways – core aeration and dethatching. Core aeration works by breaking up the thatch and bringing up soil, which contains microorganisms, that help break down the thatch. De-thatching is done by a machine that cuts into the thatch vertically, bringing up the debris, which is then raked up and disposed of.

Mowing (Late October):

Before the winter sets in, trim the lawn grass to a shorter height. Long grass can trap moisture and lead to winter fungal diseases and snow mould. It can also suffocate your lawn in the spring making it harder to recover from the winter. Shorter grass is stiff and more resistant to ice and snow damage

2. Early Winter: Protecting Against Frost and Snow Mold

As winter deepens, your focus should shift to protecting your lawn from frost and snow mould:

Leaf Cleanup (Late October – November):

Clear fallen leaves to prevent them from smothering the grass and promoting snow mould growth. Alternatively, mulching the leaves with a mulching mower can provide natural insulation. By mulching the leaves into small bits, you allow the leaves to decompose easier, thus providing valuable nutrients to the grass blades.

Snow Mould Prevention (November):

Apply a preventive fungicide to prevent the growth of snow mould, a common cold-weather lawn disease. This step is especially important in areas with heavy snowfall like Edmonton which makes it particularly susceptible to snow mould.

3. Mid-Winter: Minimizing Traffic and Compaction

With winter in full swing, your lawn enters a period of dormancy. The goal now is to minimize any damage while the grass lies dormant:

Keep the lawn clear throughout the Winter:

Do not leave anything behind on the lawn. Put away sprinklers, hoses, garden furniture, yard toys and decorations. If something is left on lawn surface, the grass will get matted down during the winter months. With the added moisture of rain and snow, this can also make the perfect environment for pests and mould infestation which could damage the lawn.

Keep Off the Lawn:

Avoid walking on the lawn as much as possible, especially when it is frozen. This can compact the lawn and kill the grass. Never allow anyone to park a truck or a car on your lawn. Using the lawn as a parking lot is the fastest way to kill the good grass and make room for crabgrass and other types of weeds.

Clear Snow Accumulation:

Gently remove snow from high-traffic areas like driveways to prevent compaction and damage. Heavy piles of snow can cause stress to the lawn and waterlogging can set in as large piles melt. Use a plastic shovel or a snow blower set at a high height to avoid scraping the grass.

4. Late Winter: Preparing for Spring Awakening

As the end of winter approaches, your focus turns to preparing your lawn for the eventual transition to spring:

Monitor Moisture Levels (February – March):

In case of a winter thaw, be vigilant about moisture levels. Waterlogged soil can lead to disease. Ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering. Check out low spots where puddles keep the soil wet. Fill holes and puddles with compost or topsoil or provide drainage so excess water does not stand on the lawn.

Inspect for Rodent Damage (March):

In the last weeks of winter, check for signs of rodent activity. Rodents can cause damage to grass and plants during winter foraging.

5. Early Spring: Transitioning to Active Growth

As the snow begins to melt and temperatures rise, your lawn slowly awakens from its winter slumber. Taking the time to help your lawn wake up properly when spring arrives reduces problems later.

First Mowing (Late March – Early April):

As soon as the soil dries out a bit and the grass begins to grow, mow it gently to remove any dead growth and allow sunlight to reach the soil.

Raking (Late March – Early April):

Lightly rake the lawn in the early spring to remove any remaining debris and promote even growth. Remember to be gentle, as the grass is still fragile. Carefully clear away leaves and dead grass. This will break up any matted areas caused by snow mould which can smother new growth.

Wash Away Any Salt Residue (Late March – Early April):

At the beginning of spring, hose down your garage, driveway, sidewalk and even the edges of your lawn to ensure its salt free. The salt and other de-icing products used to clear roads and sidewalks can pile up in your lawn over the winter, causing damage to vulnerable grasses. Give your late winter lawn a good rinse to flush out salts and prepare your grass to absorb its spring treatments.

Core Aeration (Early April):

Follow up with another round of aeration to further improve soil health and promote strong root growth. Aerating the lawn in the early spring can help improve drainage and allow the grass to get the nutrients and water it needs to grow. It prevents the grass from getting too compacted during the spring and summer.

Fertilization (Early April):

Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to kick-start active growth. This helps your lawn recover faster from the onslaught of the harsh winter. After aerating, as soon as the snow melts and the soil temperatures start warming up, give your grass a feed to energize growth for the spring. Lawn fertilizer is a special mix of nutrients that is absorbed by the roots and used as food by the plant over a period over time.

In conclusion, the winter is a harsh challenge for any lawn. Drawing up a winter lawn care schedule for your Edmonton property involves careful consideration of the local climate and understanding the specific needs of your grass type. By adapting the above guidelines to your lawn’s unique characteristics, you can make sure that your lawn emerges from winter healthier, stronger and ready to thrive in the coming growing season. Remember, a little winter care goes a long way in nurturing a beautiful lawn all year round.

Spring Lawn Care Edmonton

Spring Lawn Care Edmonton

Are you seeking spring cleanup in Edmonton? Our experts at Green Sprout Lawn Care can help!  We offer spring lawn care Edmonton solutions that can help you maintain your lawn the way it should be.

Whether for spring clean or summer season, we are one of the trusted companies to call upon when it comes to lawn care and maintenance services. We have been offering lawn care solutions for 30+ years.   Everything we do is centered around our customers, with unmatched commitment towards delivering premium quality service at superior value – and thanks to our diverse team of professionals, quality has never been compromised. We have not just earned the trust of our customers, but we are also depended upon by others – which says a lot about the level to which we’ve established credibility amongst Edmontonians.


Spring Clean Up in Edmonton – What does that involve?

All spring lawn care is done in preparation for the summer. But, spring is a time to trouble shoot your lawns, flower beds and landscaping so that when summer finally arrives, grass will be thick with healthy green turf and flowers, shrubs and trees will look their best.  Lawn care and landscaping companies are always looking to promote their services in the spring.  The reason is simple; through the summer the main tasks are mow, trim, edge grass and maintain the beauty of your lawn and yard.  But, this process is actually started in the spring when the list of jobs to do is much longer.   Proper preparation in the spring will have an appreciable impact on your lawn quality from top to bottom, throughout the growing season.

That simple fact makes it important; so what steps should you take? To start, you need to make sure that the services of the company you hire are of high quality, reliable, knowledgable, and at affordable rates too!  We have a certified yard service crew with plenty of knowledge about how to identify the problems correctly so that it doesn’t turn into anything more aggravating than what needs immediate attention first!


The list of spring jobs in Alberta

In Alberta, our rotating seasons means that with the change of weather and onset of spring, you will suddenly have a long list of jobs to complete in your yard and around the outside of your house.

Most of our years, spring yard cleanup can begin in April but will extend until May when the likelihood of frost is over.  The crucial jobs are ones we can assist you with.  Begin your yard and lawn prep with the following:

      • Removing garbage and debris that was blown in over the winter
      • Raking out dead foliage from gardens, lawns and flower beds
      • Pruning and trimming trees, shrubs and perennials
      • Removing thatch and leaves from lawn

It is important to then follow up with the following:

  • Aerating your lawn
  • Fertilizing your lawn
  • Seeding bare areas in lawn
  • Adding compost, fertilizer and nutrients to garden and flower bed soils
  • Checking for pests and removing anything that encourages pest numbers or issues like mold and fungus
  • Trim trees that have evidence of fungus growth
  • Till, turn or loosen compact soils
  • Ensure that perennial plants are not covered by debris, mulch or dead foliage
  • Ensure that early blooming perennials are uncovered and are fertilized and watered based on weather conditions and melting snow.


Questions about Spring Yard Care:


When should I fertilize my Alberta lawn in spring?

Here in Alberta, it’s best to start fertilizing a month before grass really starts growing which is generally between April and May. Other considerations include what type of grass you have, the fertilizer you’re using, and whether you are applying (or need to apply) weed treatments.

Each species of grass can require different types of fertilizer and care for the spring.  Our experts will know the exact type of grass you have and what it requires.  But in general, the most common grass species found in Edmonton lawns are Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.  Most seed found at your local stores will contain a blend of grass seeds that are ideal for the local climate.


What should I put on my lawn in early spring?

Fertilizer provides the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Labels on store-bought fertilizer will tell you the percentage of each of those nutrients. Look for a ratio of about 4 (nitrogen) -1 (phosphorus) -2 (potassium).  We recommend slow-release fertilizer.

Use a spreader to accurately and evenly spread your fertilizer.  Hand spreading can cause burns to skin.  Most spreaders are adjustable and can be fine tuned to ensure that the type of fertilizer you have chosen is spread consistently.  Ask questions about whether liquid or pellet fertilizer is right for  you.  There are synthetic or natural organic fertilizers as well.  Depending on how  you feel about these topics, not every store will be able to provide the products you are looking for.

You can have your soil tested or purchase a soil test kit.  This will tell you the state of your soil and exactly what it requires for nutrients.  Looking on the internet can help however, it seems there is a myriad of answers as to which fertilizer to use.  This is where soil testing will assist you in your purchase.


When should I start spring lawn cleaning?

When temperatures have been warm enough so that the ice and frost are out of the surface of the lawn, the grass is beginning to turn green and the possibility of spring frosts and snow storms are mostly gone.  In Alberta, this typically means after the Victoria Day long weekend in May.

Flexible Landscape Care Options

Green Sprout Lawn Care


Acreage, Commercial and Residential Lawn Care Services

Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Sturgeon County, Strathcona County, Parkland County, Leduc County and all areas in-between.

Let us make your lawn beautiful!



greensprout lawn care edmonton

There is something appealing about a healthy green yard that just invites you to bust out the bocce! A lawn that looks dull, patchy, and doesn’t respond to watering can be frustrating and disappointing … and perhaps lead to a little yard envy.

All living things reveal signs of a stressful environment and your grass is no different.  But don’t blame your grass! What lies underneath is likely responsible.  Compact soil and dense thatch are often the underlying source of a distressed-looking lawn.

There are a number of reasons soil can get compacted and negatively affect turf health.  The soil quality itself may be heavy or contain clay;  your yard may see a lot of foot traffic from children and pets; even normal wear from yard maintenance with heavy equipment like mowers, can all lead to compact soil.  If the soil is too packed down vital nutrients can’t find their way to the roots of your grass.

Spring or fall are the best time to capitalize on the growing season of your grass. Annual deep core aeration and overseeding go hand in hand to take a tired, stressed out yard and transform it into a bright, lush landscape.

Here are 4 indicators that your yard is trying to tell you something.


Four signs your yard is distressed:


Poor Texture & Growth

If your grass is thinning and appears to be growing poorly, your turf is likely complaining  about a lack of nutrients.  In a well enjoyed yard, a patchy area here and there are perfectly normal signs of wear and tear.   However, if there are significant thinning and growth problems, tightly packed soil is likely your culprit.  This prevents oxygen and water from carrying nutrients to the roots.  No nutrients, no growth.



 Another sign of nutrient distress is browning or yellowing grass.  There can be several factors leading to the malnutrition of your lawn, and your lawn care technician can help you to determine the cause.  But discolouration combined with signs of thinning and patchy areas are often a clear hint that it is time to aerate.


 Pooling Water

 Poor water absorption is another giveaway that compact soil is standing between you and a lush green yard.  Examining your yard after watering can give you some clues whether your soil is too dense.  Puddling, or runoff on sloped areas, signals that your watering efforts have met their match with the soil.  This can be additionally frustrating if unabsorbed water is washing away newly distributed seed.

Water may also evaporate quicker than it should on compact soil leaving it dry instead of moist which is required for growth and germination.  Thankfully deep core aeration can solve this issue, making sure your time and money in seed and watering are not washed away.


Excess Thatch

In addition to compact soil, excess thatch may be causing your turf to struggle.  A tight weave of organic plant matter exists between your growing grass and the soil.  Thatch is normal and even necessary to help protect your lawn and keep it robust.  But when thatch is in excess of ½ inch thickness, the compressed bundle of roots, shoots, stems and leaves can block essential water and air.

Deep core aeration adds oxygen into the soil which is key for living microorganisms like earthworms to thrive.  The work they do helps decompose the thatch.  The cores or “plugs” left behind deep core aeration also help with the process of decomposition to get the ecosystem of your lawn healthy and thriving again.  Certain types of grasses like Kentucky Blue Grass are a favoured choice in cooler climates for a hearty, lush lawn but also require regular dethatching and aeration to keep that luxurious look and feel.

Some of these signs of a stressed lawn are obvious, but there are a few things you can do to test the stress-level of your yard:


Digging Deeper

Thatch Test

thatch test

If you’re worried you might have a thatch problem a quick thatch test will do the trick.  Use a spade to slice out a wedge of turf a few inches into the soil. Thatch consists of the spongy layer above the soil and does not include dead or growing grass above it. Use a ruler to measure the thickness of the thatch up to the soil line.  If your measurement is greater than ½” it is time to dethatch and aerate.


Screwdriver Test

A simple and quick way to check for soil compaction is the screwdriver test.  Use a 6” screwdriver to pierce the soil.  If it goes straight down with ease your soil and thatch are in good shape.  If you meet resistance, it’s time for lawn care.  You can also check the shaft for soil moisture an hour or so after watering.  If it comes out clean that is a sign of dry soil.  For large yards, you may want to do this simple check in a number of different spots.


 Soil Test

Soil testing is a quick and inexpensive way to get baseline knowledge of the PH-level, essential minerals and other micronutrients you’re working with.  You can purchase a home testing kit or send in a soil sample for lab testing and work from there to improve growing conditions of your soil.

So listen to your lawn! Contact Green Sprout Lawn Care to get the best in deep core aeration and seeding service for Edmonton and Surrounding Areas and boast a yard that everyone is talking about.



Green Sprout Lawn Care has served Edmonton and surrounding areas for 30 years.

We currently serve customers in Edmonton, Beaumont, Leduc, Nisku, Morinville, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Sturgeon County, Strathcona County and Parkland County and all areas in between.

We specialize in commercial and acreage property care. Our awesome yard care is also available for residential homes in Edmonton and surrounding cities and towns as well. While lawn care services are our main focus, we want you to know that we do much more than that!


See our Services page for all that we offer!